Key takeaways from CY contribution at the 9th EUSAIR Forum


17 May 2024

Connecting Youth partners attended the 9th Edition of the EUSAIR Forum that took place in Šibenik (Croatia), on 15 and 16 May 2024.

Held under the Croatian Chairmanship of EUSAIR, the Forum brought together various stakeholders to address the pressing social and economic challenges facing the region. With a particular focus on enhancing regional cooperation and social cohesion, this year’s Forum introduced pivotal changes, including the addition of a fifth Pillar to the EUSAIR portfolio and the establishment of the EUSAIR Youth Council.

EUSAIR countries face the same social challenges that in other parts of EU, for example a new demographic reality – shrinking and ageing population, high levels of youth unemployment and economic disparities within the region that create obstacles to cooperation.

In the panel discussion titled “Stronger Social Cohesion - A Response to the Challenges of the Future,” Krisela Hackaj, Executive Director of CDI, emphasized that young people often prioritize individual economic survival, such as emigration, over collective action. She suggested incorporating a "youth impact assessment" into policy design and implementing a monitoring and evaluation framework to consistently gather and analyze data on youth participation. This approach would significantly aid in planning future activities.

Additionally, CY was part of the “Unlocking the Cohesion Policy Toolbox for South East Europe 6” workshop, organized by CDI as part of the Forum. Dafina Peci, representing the National Youth Council of Albania, highlighted the challenges impeding youth cooperation in the Western Balkans, including high unemployment rates, educational disparities, and weak local governance. Despite these hurdles, Ms. Peci noted that youth in Albania and the region are advocating for more structured engagement. She underscored the importance of initiatives like Connecting Youth in bridging the information and engagement gap among young people regarding European instruments, while acknowledging that much work remains to be done.

A key focus of the Forum was the involvement of youth in the EUSAIR Strategy, particularly through the establishment of the EUSAIR Youth Council. This Council will provide a platform for youth in the Adriatic-Ionian region to collaborate more effectively and actively shape the socio-economic development of their communities. The Forum featured a dedicated panel session on the topic, exploring how youth engagement intersects with regional development within the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region. CY was represented in this session by Vladimir Perazić of the Youth Network of Montenegro, who brought in success stories of how Youth Councils in the region may play a key role in fostering regional cooperation and advancing EUSAIR’s objectives.

The discussions and workshops at the Forum underscored the critical need for innovative approaches to youth engagement and regional development. The Forum’s outcomes reflect a renewed commitment to fostering social cohesion and leveraging youth participation for sustainable regional growth. As the EUSAIR Strategy continues to evolve, the contributions of Connecting Youth and other stakeholders will be vital in shaping a more inclusive and resilient future for the Adriatic-Ionian Region.