Youth Guarantee in Montenegro


On 9 November 2022, the High School Students Union of Montenegro (UNSCG), one of the Connecting Youth partners organised a panel discussion on "Youth Guarantees in Montenegro" as part of their VIII General Assembly. To discuss the progress of this scheme implementation in Montenegro, representatives from institutions, the Youth Guarantee working group, youth organisations and high school students were present.

This panel started with Ms Tanushe Muhametaj, Communication and Project Officer at CDI, who presented the Connecting Youth Platform’s work and the joint planned strategy, this was followed by a welcoming speech from Mr Vladimir Perazić, the national coordinator of the CY Platform in Montenegro.

Ms Snežana Ivanović, from the Ministry of Sports and Youth as the coordinator of the Youth Guarantee in Montenegro mentioned during her speech the state's efforts to proceed with the Guarantees in a high-quality manner, and that since this is an interdepartmental issue, other Ministries provide their expertise and participation as well. Part of this panel discussion was also Ms Jelena Fuštić, who is a member of the YG Working Group at the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. With plenty of experience in the non-governmental sector, Ms Fuštić made a detailed explanation of the Youth Guarantee and emphasised why it is crucial that its implementation start as soon as possible.

Mr Uroš Bulatović, a member of the Board of Directors of the Youth Network of Montenegro (the umbrella organisation) who has been part of high-level YG consultations with the relevant ministries stressed that youth inclusion in every phase of the process is key to a successful implementation. This panel was moderated by the Vice president of the UNSCG Board of Directors, Ms Nevena Jovanović.

The majority of the audience's questions were directed both to the members of the Working Group and to the Ministry representatives leading to a fruitful discussion for all the participants.