Youth Guarantee as a path toward better youth employability


On 17 November, the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the partners of the Connecting Youth Platform organized a one-day event based on "Youth Guarantee Deployment in the WB6" and "Sectoral Youth Employment Opportunities" policy papers published this year by CY. This event was conceptualised in cooperation with the “General mobilization” a project funded by the European Union to create synergies and maximise the impact of youth involvement in the Youth Guarantee deployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ms Irma Rešidović from the Youth Council of BiH together with Ms Krisela Hackaj, the Executive Director of the Cooperation and Development Institute, opened the event with a brief introduction of the two policies papers and emphasised the importance of partnering with youth organisations in Youth Guarantee Implementation.

Representatives of government institutions, private companies, as well as representatives of civil society - non-governmental organizations and young activists were present and shared their insights on how Youth Guarantee can be a path toward employability. This discussion proved that only through the intersectoral dialogue of these three main pillars of society can important processes for the establishment of systemic solutions begin.

Further, it was shared that through their work so far, the Youth Council of FBiH have recognized employability as one of the problems that most concern the future of young people in their country. Ms Rešidović mentioned during her intervention that “Only successful and quality inclusion of youth in the labor market can enable their full integration into all the other aspects of society.” Solving this problem is extremely important when it comes to achieving economically independent young people who represent the basis of progressive social policies and sustainable development.

This country event represents the beginning of high-quality intersectoral cooperation and the creation of a basis for the further action of all sectors in BiH. Representatives of all the present sectors had the opportunity to jointly create potential activities to solve problems in the field of youth employability.