The new reality of global pandemic has caused several changes in everyday life of people impacting everyday activity from economy to health and human relations.
On this regard the cooperation and work conditions have been more challenging for everyone, including youth organizations which had to adapt their programs and work in online reality in a very short time.
To discuss how this cooperation will continue in the future in order to ensure the sustainability and cooperation among youth and youth organization in the region, WBYCP organized an online meeting with youth representatives from the region in order to advance youth dialogue and understand the working conditions in each respective country. Despite facing the same challenges, different countries have had different responsive strategies toward Covid-19 and had taken different safety measures. The meeting was opened by Ms.Krisela Hackaj, Executive Director of Cooperation and Development Institute.
In her word, Ms. Hackaj, highlighted that youngsters have been the ones who have been more affected by these changes. She affirmed the great importance to boost cooperation between existing initiatives and youth shareholders that are already engaged in the region and to create sound, efficient work synergies and dynamics for a higher on the local and national level.
Ms. Andrea Micanovic confirmed that each of those areas was affected, but there is no clear distinction between them as they are all connected with each other. She made an overall analysis of how education has changed and pointed out the need that has emerged from the crisis such as the up-skill professors, educators and trainers even within the framework of non-formal education. She closed her word with a positive statement expressing her positive approach toward the crisis hoping to reflect, learn and grow better in the future.
Mr. Jan Kulenovic, Programs Director at Regional Youth Cooperation Office, expressed how RYCO one of the most important initiatives in region level, has adapted their programs to new reality focused especially on Covid-19 and offering support to innovative solutions which possess a potential for new opportunities. He highlighted the fact that in a situation where mobility programs are suspended, intercultural learning, reconciliation and peace-building are more difficult to maintain.
Mr. Adem Gashi, Team Leader the Western Balkans Youth Lab Project at Regional Cooperation Council, considers youth not only as affected from the pandemic, but also as part of its solution. He stated that "policy making cannot be limited only to the technical aspects. It requires the genuine involvementof the final beneficiaries to co-design and co-produce and to get involved in the implementation of policies".
Check here to see excerpts from the event.