Final workshop and closure of the trilateral project "Ideas and Action for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century"


Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI) in collaboration with Centre international de formation europeenne (CIFE), Association Bourgogne Balkans Express and Environnement, Sciences Po Dijon, with the support of the French-German Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW), organized in Tirana, Albania, the final workshop of the trilateral project "Ideas and Action for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century", from 27th May until 2nd June 2018. The first two phases were held in Berlin (2017) and Dijon (2018).

In the final phase of this project, the participants had the opportunity to meet with representatives of Albanian NGOs, CSOs, official authorities, members of the parliament, etc. Dr. Lorenc Gordani​ from​ Metropol University of Tirana, provided a general overview of the energy efficiency in Albania, its contribution to market liberalization and the effort in building a sustainable development in the future. Olsi Nika, Executive Director of EcoAlbania, highlighted the importance of nature protection, the rising of environmental issues, and the safeguarding of biodiversity in sensitive areas of Albania, such as the Vjosa River, while Margarita Buxhaku, Executive Director of Albanian Center for Environmental Governance, emphasized the current environmental pollution issues in Albania and how to increase public awareness. Kreshnik Loka, Local Branch Officer of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) stressed the importance of youth exchanges and its contribution to the development and promotion of intercultural understanding, which consists in the principles of RYCO as youth exchanges might be considered as one of the best tools for reconciliation. Dafina Peci, Executive Director of the National Youth Congress of Albania, focused on the role of youth as a remarkable potential for the enhancement of regional cooperation and capacity building. Mona Xhexhaj, Program Director of European Movement Albania, discussed the essential topics of the integration process of Albania toward the European Union, its possible issues, actual progress and challenges. Frank Morawietz, Special Advisor to the French- German Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW), covered the intervention on cultural identity, the gap and distance of different cultures, which are at the same time diverse and unique. The participants had the chance to visit the premises of the Port Authorities of Durrës, where Arben Xhemali, Head of Promotions, and Blerina Hasani, Director of Environment, Technical Security, Health Protection and Emergency Department, gave a comprehensive insight into the geography and economics of the management of the Port of Durrës and its environmental politics. At the Parliament of Albania, the 24 participants had an open talk with MP Eduard Shalsi, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Production Activities, Trade and Environment, who brought the attention on the environment and energy issues of Albania and the harmonization of the legislation.

The participants elaborated a final report based on three working groups established in the prior phases of Berlin and Dijon, regarding energy, environment and European Dimension. On 1st June 2018 they presented the findings in the conference "Ideas and Action for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century". The presentation were focused on case studies covering respectively Germany, France and Albania, concerning topics like energy consumption and production, waste management and respective EU and Albanian legislation related to these issues. The final conference was greeted by HE Christina Vasak, Ambassador of French Republic to Albania, Mrs. Ornela Cuci, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Environment of Albania, Mrs. Anke Holstein, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Albania and Ardian Hackaj, Director of Research of Cooperation and Development Institute. A special introduction to this trilateral project was presented by Thomas Traguth, from Centre international de formation europeenne (CIFE) and Nisa Sherifi, Association Bourgogne Balkans Express.

To read the program of the Tirana workshop of the trilateral project, please click here .

To consult the agenda of the final conference, please click here, as for the joint report of the working groups, click here.

To see the photo album, please click here, while the video testimonials can be viewed here.