Youth Guarantee Deployment in the WB6


Addressing the pressing issue of youth unemployment is a common concern amid the dynamic landscape of the Western Balkan (WB6) countries. This paper delves further into the intricate realm of Youth Guarantee initiatives within the region. Building upon the groundwork laid in the inaugural edition, titled "Youth Guarantee Deployment in the WB6 - Institutional Set-up and a Perspective from Youth Organizations," released in May 2022, this subsequent edition offers a fresh perspective on the strides taken in implementing the Youth Guarantee across the WB6.

The Youth Guarantee stands as a pivotal policy instrument crafted to combat youth unemployment and foster social engagement in the WB6 countries. This initiative strives to establish accessible pathways for young individuals, ensuring their integration into the workforce. Its execution follows a logical framework that recognizes the transformative impact of investing in youth. The Youth Guarantee aims to be a catalyst for social cohesion, economic advancement, and overall enhancement of these countries by aligning policy objectives with human capital development.

This second edition of the policy document is part of the 2023 Activity Plan of the Connecting Youth platform. Shaped by insights from all six of Connecting Youth's partners in the WB6, the primary aim of this paper is to assess the progress of the Youth Guarantee in the region.

At its core, the paper has two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to scrutinize the latest developments in the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the WB6 countries. Through a comparative analysis, the report unveils advancements made and identifies shared challenges faced by these countries. Secondly, it serves as a guiding beacon by presenting a comprehensive set of carefully selected suggestions to enhance the efficacy of Youth Guarantee implementation. These proposals suggest strategic approaches to improve youth employment outcomes and foster social inclusion.

Amid the intricate landscape of Youth Guarantee initiatives in the WB6 countries, this policy paper acts as a reminder of our collective commitment to empowering the youth. Recognizing, nurturing, and harnessing the potential of each young individual through collaborative efforts, dedication, and informed governance can pave the way for a brighter future and the collective prosperity of our countries.

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