From Aspirations to Action: Youth Inclusion in the EU Integration Process of the Western Balkans


The European Union (EU) enlargement process in the Western Balkans is a significant endeavor towards regional stability, prosperity, and peace in the region. The involvement of youth in the EU integration process of the Western Balkans has been recognized as important by both the European Union and the governments of the countries in the region. Youth engagement is seen as a means to foster regional cooperation, promote democratic values, and build a more prosperous and stable future for the region.

In fact, Western Balkan countries have made progress in terms of further establishing and consolidating the youth policy framework, by adopting relevant laws, strategies, and action plans. However, a fully functional youth system that ensures effective and comprehensive youth empowerment, engagement and participation in decision-making has yet to be fully developed.

This paper embarks on an exploration of the role that youth currently play in the EU integration process in the Western Balkans. Reflecting the perspectives of the Connecting Youth Partners views, with each partner shedding light on the challenges the youth sector in their countries face, the opportunities they embrace, and the initiatives they champion, this paper seeks to underline the critical significance of empowering and involving youth as active participants in shaping the region's role within the European framework. As the generation that bridges the gap between the scars of the past and the possibilities of the future, youth need to be empowered to foster a sense of belonging, ownership, and responsibility in their communities.

In the subsequent sections of this paper, Connecting Youth partners reflect on the EU integration process in the Western Balkans and on their role as catalysts for change in various domains. This paper also acknowledges the obstacles that young individuals encounter on their journey towards meaningful engagement in the EU integration process. High levels of unemployment, brain drain, political disillusionment, and inadequate representation hinder their potential impact. Connecting Youth partners also bring in their contribution with concrete recommendations on how to accelerate the integration process.

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