How can youth benefit from the European Year of Skills 2023?


The European Year of Skills 2023 is an initiative launched by the European Union with the aim of promoting and improving skills development among its citizens. This year-long campaign will focus on providing opportunities for youth to acquire new skills and competencies that will enable them to meet the challenges of the future.

So, how can the youth benefit from this initiative? Here are some ways:

Enhanced employability

The European Year of Skills 2023 will provide various opportunities for youth to enhance their employability. This will be achieved through a range of programs, including apprenticeships, vocational training, and other work-based learning opportunities. The European Skills Agenda is the framework for EU skills policy cooperation and will continue to help individuals and businesses develop skills and to apply them. By increasing their competences , youth will be able to expand their career options and increase their chances of finding meaningful employment.

Improved access to education

The initiative will also focus on providing greater access to education for young people. This will include efforts to address issues such as the cost of education and the lack of opportunities in certain regions. By making education more accessible, youth will have the chance to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce. European strategy for universities is one if the startegies that proposes several actions to develop high-level and future-proof skills for a wide range of learners, including lifelong learners.

Increased social inclusion

The European Year of Skills 2023 will also aim to promote greater social inclusion among young people. This will be achieved by providing opportunities for disadvantaged youth to develop new professional skills and participate in training programs. By doing so, they will be better equipped to engage with society and achieve their goals.

Innovation and creativity

The initiative will also seek to foster innovation and creativity among youth. Opportunites that aim to deepen their creativity, critical thinking, and complex problem solving will encourage young people to develop new ideas and solutions to the challenges facing society. By encouraging innovation, youth will be able to contribute to the development of new technologies, products, and services that will benefit society as a whole, in order to achieve this The New European Innovation Agenda has focused its work in 5 main flagships, such as funding Scale-Ups, enabling innovation through experimentation spaces and public procurement, accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU, Fostering, attracting and retaining deep tech talents and improving policy making tools.

Personal development

Finally, the European Year of Skills 2023 will provide opportunities for personal development for youth. This will include programs that focus on building skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. By developing these skills, youth will be better equipped to navigate the challenges of adulthood and lead fulfilling lives. In conclusion, the European Year of Skills 2023 presents a unique opportunity for young people to acquire new skills and competencies that will enable them to thrive in the workforce and in society as a whole. By taking advantage of the various opportunities provided by the initiative, youth can enhance their employability, improve their access to education, increase social inclusion, foster innovation and creativity, and promote personal development.

What about youth in the Western Balkans?

Despite Western Balkans six not being part of the EU, young people from the region can still benefit from this initiative. For example, the Erasmus+ program with a budget €26.2 billion also supports the mobility and personal and professional development of young people from our region by enabling them to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer across Europe.
Additionally, platforms such as Eurodesk and Salto Youth can be used for advising young people on mobility opportunities. Some other funding opportunities and programs, from which WB6 youth can benefit from are Erasmus+, Horizon Europe and European Solidarity Corps.

Danijela Nikolić

About Author

Danijela Nikolić

Almost born on April Fool's Day, April 2, 2000, in high school she began to take an interest in improving the position of young people, but also the position of women. Through various volunteer engagements at events and projects, she tried to acquire the necessary communication, organizational and other useful skills necessary for functioning in the modern world. She likes to hear (and speak) French, as well as reading and the sea. Or reading at sea.

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