Type: Youth CSO-s

People to People Serbia

People to People Serbia is youth association open to all young people regardless of their economic, social, religious, cultural or sexual background.

We focus mainly on youth participation, educational programmes, intercultural understanding, human rights, but also art and culture which we more often utilize as the working method, too. Within our activities, we promote and apply principles of volunteering, social inclusion, equality in human dignity, participation and empowerment of minorities, active initiatives, non-formal education and informal learning. On the international level, we have a stable experience as a reliable partner organization and we also organize our own educational projects.

Additional Information

Name: Vesna
Surname: Savic
Country: Serbia
Email: people2people.serbia@gmail.com
Phone: 00381642892438
Additional information: ‘’People to People Serbia’’ has significant experience implementing projects and activities both at local, national and international. At local and national level we provide information and support to young people regarding active participation in society, volunteer work, sustainable development, training, and education or mobility opportunities. At international level we have sent sent numbers of youngsters to projects abroad and hosted many others in our country. Always with goal of strengthening youth to become more active in their own communities, we put forth different activities operated by our young members. Our volunteers are very active and organize local and national activities and are always willing to participate in projects and learn more. Our collaborators have significant experience organizing projects and activities both at local and international.


Current Project Ideas
