The Europe-Western Balkans Youth Meeting "Connecting Youth Work and Youth Policy" was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 25 to 29 September 2016, and represented a direct follow up of the "Connecting Youth Conference" (Paris, 4th July 2016). This report presents the objectives defined at this meeting, such as the role of youth work and especially international youth work and youth mobility in promoting youth participation and civic engagement with a perspective of fostering European integration; how can the youth work and youth policy reach out to young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, to promote social inclusion and employability and to counter marginalization which could possibly lead to radicalisation and extremism; the identification of the needs for capacity building and policy measures; to define and strengthen the impact of existing programmes supporting European and regional youth cooperation, and the future role of RYCO (Regional Youth Cooperation Office) which will become operative in the beginning of 2017, its establishment and values in supporting regional youth cooperation and reconciliation process in the Western Balkans.