The present report aims to provide an assessment of the living situation of Albanian youth, covering the population in the age range 15 to 29 years old. This life stage marks a period of critical experiences and events, including sexuality, completion of education, the transition from school to the labour market and that into marriage and family formation. Behaviour and decisions involved in these experiences and events often pose challenges to young people, socially, economically and emotionally. At the same time, making such life choices, places youth in the position of key agents of social change. Living conditions relate to many different facets of life. These reports analytically separate these facets into different thematic chapters, but try to highlight their relations where relevant. In order to put the present living conditions of youth in a broader perspective, frequently indicators for youth are compared with those for the older adult population in Albania, with those for youth in other countries in the region or in the European Union and with those from previous periods.